The last film in the Harry Potter franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, was released in 2011, making it over 12 years since Daniel Radcliffe last played the boy who lived, so when will lazy, lazy journalists stop asking him about the film series?

Well, if this lazy, lazy journalist gets his way, never.

After speaking to Daniel Radcliffe and Geraldine Viswanathan about the fourth season of their hit-comedy, Miracle Workers: End Times, I wanted to ask Daniel about the recently announced HBO remake of Harry Potter.

Following rumours that Tom Felton was going to play his on-screen father, Lucius Malfoy, in the series, I asked Daniel – for whatever reason (maybe because I wanted a juicy headline – he was forced to pick on character from the franchise, which one would he want to play in the adaptation.

“I always thought one of the other great characters in the series is Sirius Black,” said the Harry Potter star.

However, he quickly followed it up, to stop the inevitable influx of headlines, saying, “I can tell you, there is no world in which I will actually be playing that character. But I will give you the headline, ‘Daniel Radcliffe Says Sirius Black Would Be Fun To Play… But He Won’t Actually Be Doing That’.

No-one will know he said that, though. I can just delete that footage from the interview, and let the whole fandom spiral into thinking Daniel will be stepping into Gary Oldman’s shoes, right?

On April 12, HBO confirmed that they were producing their imagining of the Harry Potter story for television, deeming it as a “faithful adaptation of the iconic books.”

Previously, Daniel hasn’t shared any interest in appearing in the series, telling “My understanding is that they’re trying to very much start fresh and I’m sure whoever is making them will want to make their own mark on it and probably not want to have to figure out how to get old Harry to cameo in this somewhere.”

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